Lumen's focus is on three main services: social media, written content, and design. Working from a solid foundation of these three pillars of communication, we can supplement your marketing efforts with quality work that blends seamlessly with your existing strategies.



Why social media? According to a recent study by the Internet Advertising Bureau, 90 percent of customers will recommend brands after a social media interaction. With a creative, engaging online presence, you're not only building relationships, but trust, too.

Why written content? The power of well-written content is infinite. It establishes your ethos as a trustworthy source of information, tells the story of your business, and is often the foundation of communication between you and your customers. Lumen's goal is to give you the written voice you need to effectively communicate on a variety of platforms for both– in print and online.

Why design? Great design not only makes something look appealing, but it helps deliver the message you want to communicate in the most impactful way possible. We work collaboratively to create the image you desire.