Copywriting for Social Media

You might have looked at the title of this post and thought, “Really? Writing for social media is not hard. Can we even call it copywriting?” Trust me, I asked myself the same question. I hear you.

But so many people make errors that would, to some, seem like common sense when it comes to best practices in writing for social media. So today, we’re going to go over some of those mistakes and give a few tips on copywriting for social media that can help you look more professional and add ethos to your writing.


It’s common knowledge that using caps lock in writing is the same as screaming at the reader. Plus, it can be difficult to read and might create a sense of anxiety. We don’t want that. Instead, save caps lock for a single word you want to stand out.

Example: We need volunteers for the food drive we’re hosting TODAY.

2.  Use proper punctuation

Posts that include squiggles, lots of exclamation points and question marks at the end, or end in ellipses communicate a certain level of informality that you don’t really want associated with your business. You still want to appear professional, so stick with what your English teacher taught you.


A)  Join us today for the ~special~ tomato soup and grilled cheese!!!!!!!!!!

B)  Today’s special is the perfect fall combo: Tomato soup and grilled cheese!

3.  Keep it short

Twitter limits your characters, but that doesn’t mean Facebook is a place for a novel. Keep your captions and status updates to 2-3 sentences. If you need to share something in longer form, turn to your blog and give a ‘read more’ link when you post about it on Facebook.

4.  Caption your photo album images

Think of your photo album images as a way to give a guided tour to your viewer. You can introduce people in photos, narrate what’s happening in the images, and help people get a better understanding of why these images were so important you wanted to share them.

5.  Think about your content & put your words to work

So often I see pages that only post their daily specials or sale events. No photos, no descriptive words, just a piece of information they’re putting out there as fact. These posts can be easily enhanced with a bit of copywriting jazz hands. Yes, jazz hands.


A)  Today only- 50% off all pillows in the store!

B)  Pillows make a huge statement in any room that needs a little change. That’s why we want you to come by today for 50% off all pillows! See what a difference something small can make? (Include store image of pillows on display)

We are all copywriters. Even on social media. Words are powerful tools—so put them to work! Be mindful of how you’re presenting your brand through your copywriting for social media. Or, if you want a little help, get in touch with us!

Five Things a Social Media Manager Does Every Day

At Lumen, we do a lot more than offer social media consulting and management.

But today, I wanted to give some insight into a few of the day-to-day tasks we do involving social media management.

1. Managing engagements.

Social media is all about being social, so actively participating in conversations is essential to a healthy online presence.

2. Staying up on the news.

Being aware of what’s happening in the ever-changing world of social media ensures our clients are taking advantage of new features, improved user experiences, and more.

3. Content planning.

Whether it’s creating custom graphics or finding timely, relevant tie-ins, there’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work that happens in regard to social media content creation.

4. Researching.

A good Social Media Manager is always on the hunt for new partnerships, target demographics, and creative ways to communicate. That means lots and lots of digging and researching.

5. Analyzing.

We look at analytics on a regular basis to find out what works and what doesn’t, and create reports based on that information.

The daily work contributes to the best part of being a social media manager: The successes. Maybe it’s an ad campaign that’s boosted website clicks and therefore sales. Maybe it’s feedback from a follower that shares how much they enjoy following the accounts we manage. Whatever the success is, that’s what we thrive on. And we’re always working toward the next success for our clients.

Are you looking for some social media assistance? Get in touch…we’d love to help!

Social Media is a Science

It wasn't all that long ago when content on social media was…simpler. Say you had 350 likes on Facebook. When you posted a status update to your page, all 350 of those people who liked your page saw the content you posted. But today, that’s no longer the case. In fact, you’re lucky if 10 percent of that 350 person following sees your post. Why is that?

Social media platforms of today’s world are algorithm-driven, meaning certain content is deemed “richer” than others—and will be seen by more people. Not all content is created equal. There’s a science behind posting content on social media today, complete with strategies for success. It’s a recipe: If you follow it, you’ll do well. If you’re sloppy, you've got a mess.

Let’s look at how this plays out on Facebook, specifically.

While algorithms are always changing, Facebook has shared some guidelines for what types of posts will get greater exposure. So what qualifies as “rich” content, then?

  • Posts that generate high interaction rates (i.e. comments, likes, and shares)

  • Posts with high interaction from the page owner’s end

  • High-quality graphics and images

We all know that posting to social media can sometimes require a lot of work, so it’s frustrating when time and effort is wasted on a post that’s only seen by a few people. So what are a few tips for creating “richer” content that gains traction and inspires those important interactions?

  1. Create social content. Ask questions, gather opinions—value your following’s unique input.

  2. Use high-quality images. No blurry, uninteresting photos. Make sure your photos really communicate a message.

  3. Be conversational. When someone takes the time to comment on a post, comment back! Build relationships and remember: It’s all about conversation.

Creating content that gains traction does require time, energy, and a keen eye, but when you can focus on quality over quantity, the results will pay off. Don’t worry as much about posting every day—post when you've got something interesting to say. Like any normal conversation, no one likes it when someone is speaking just to hear their own voice. Use your voice to be impactful.
